Designing a new residential development around a listed 1930’s diving platform, is not your average commission! But that is what the Waddon Way scheme in Croydon with Bellway Homes is striving to do, creating a delightful new public square for the beautiful art deco platform structure as the heart for the 180 home residential-led mixed-use application.
Matt Hoad, Head of Land at Bellway Homes, says ‘Macfarlane Associates have worked hard to create a meaningful public realm design for the urban spaces inspired by the art deco platform as a superb centre piece to the District Centre’.
This strategic development site, forms the first phase of the Purley Way Masterplan and heart for the establishing community in the new Waddon Way Neighbourhood Centre. The new buildings are arranged sensitively around the key heritage asset with new commercial uses as important components for the new District Centre.
Sensitive water management and optimising the urban greening opportunities were high priorities for the landscape strategy along with memorable placemaking through a strong lighting strategy and moving art projections.