Planning permission has been granted for our first phase of the 1,000 home Limebrook Park new settlement in South Maldon with Crest Nicholson. Over 100 new homes will come forward in Phase 1 will as we work towards the creation of the evolving site masterplan.
M+A anticipate delivering the next stage of works and our continued involvement in the scheme, including delivery of technical information for the approved scheme and the subsequent design development for Phases 2 and 3.
The masterplan seeks to deliver a ‘New Garden Suburb’ which is sustainably connected and integrated with the local context and will establish the Maldon District at the forefront of successful place making.
The development will deliver up to 1,000 dwellings, a 3.4ha employment area, local shops, cafés, playing fields and leisure facilities as well as a primary school and childcare facilities. Landscape design will create a series of general amenity areas and formal open space, including allotments, new pedestrian and cyclist routes with enhanced connectivity, sustainable drainage measures and the enhancement/creation of ecological habitat areas.