A hard-fought planning permission has just been given by Tower Hamlets for 530 homes at Leven Road, Bow Creek. The mixed-use development for RER London and Orlandis Capital will create a new residential, retail and commercial destination for Tower Hamlets with areas of delightful new public realm, including play space for all ages, café facilities and boutique shopping outlets in the 3-acre site along the western bank of the River Lea.
M+A teamed up with DP9 and CZWG Architects, to create this striking development which regenerates the Former Poplar Tram/Bus Depot where heritage features are being retained as part of the proposals. The landscape masterplan complements the dynamic architectural forms and enhances the connectivity with the adjacent Islay Wharf development to the north and Leven Wharf to the south. The scheme will provide a continuous river walkway and link up with the former gasworks site further south, which is a hybrid planning application by Berkeley Group and National Grid for the regeneration of a key site in the Poplar Riverside Housing Zone, which received planning approval in October 2019.
Uniquely, the proposal ‘consumes its own smoke’ by providing surplus play areas and amenity space for residents, following requirements set out by LBTH and the GLA.