Image Credit: Scott Brownrigg

As the world remains in turmoil from this global pandemic, scientific research and technology has an ever-increasing role in seeking cures to mitigate the effects of virus infections.

Whether it is by discovering new features about the novel coronavirus, looking for new treatments or vaccines or offering expertise in psychological services, the development of high-quality state of the art science parks is capitalising upon the already extensive life science and medical technology that exists and is to help expand medical research.

The successful joint venture project between Wrenbridge and Vinci Developments UK, Harlow Science Park sees 480,000 sq.ft. of floor space for progressive sci-tech community as part of the Harlow Enterprise Zone over a 35-acre campus site.

M+A worked closely with Scott Brownrigg to design the twenty-six-plot masterplan, providing a hotel; gym; creche and cafes, collaborating with a diverse design team to refine infrastructure proposals to achieve the innovative vision for the development.

Image Credit: Scott Brownrigg
Image credit: Scott Brownrigg
Image Credit: Scott Brownrigg