Green light for TfL and Barratt JV Wembley scheme after Minister approves called-in scheme. The long-anticipated decision comes after the Brook Avenue scheme was called-in by the former Housing Secretary Jenrick after being approved by Brent Council in 2020. The scheme was called-in to consider the scheme against the current NPPF and the extent of which the proposed development is consistent with the development plan for the area.
Brook Avenue proposes to develop an existing TfL car park into 5 blocks with 454 homes, over 30% affordable housing, new retail facilities, open spaces, public realm, and a communal amenity space that connects all five blocks together.
On 22nd February 2022, junior housing minister, Eddie Hughes, approved the Brook Avenue scheme. This approval comes after agreeing with the planning inspectorate report and public enquiry held in fall 2021. The report finds that the scheme was consistent with the NPPF policies for design, housing and the historic environment.
Macfarlane + Associates were responsible for the planning of Brook Avenue’s high quality public realm and external amenity and have been appointed with planning architects, Tate Hindle in delivering the scheme for Barratt London and Transport for London after the announcement of the approvals.